Source code for fret.util

import inspect
import itertools
import logging
import math
import queue
import random
import signal
import sys
import threading
from datetime import datetime

if == 'cpython':
    _LOWEST_VERSION = (3, 6)
    _LOWEST_VERSION = (3, 7)
if sys.version_info >= _LOWEST_VERSION:
    _dict = dict
    from collections import OrderedDict
    _dict = OrderedDict

date_str ='%Y%m%d%H%M%S')

[docs]class Configuration: """Easy to construct, use and read configuration class.""" __slots__ = ['_config'] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._config = _dict(*args, **kwargs) def _keys(self): return self._config.keys() def _values(self): return self._config.values() def _items(self): return self._config.items() def _get(self, key): return self._config.get(key) def __getitem__(self, key): return self._config[key] def __getattr__(self, key): if key == '__setstate__': raise AttributeError(key) if key not in self._config: raise AttributeError(key) v = self._config[key] if isinstance(v, dict): return Configuration(v) else: return v def __contains__(self, key): return key in self._config def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Configuration): # pylint: disable=protected-access return dict(self._config) == dict(other._config) return dict(self._config) == other def __iter__(self): return iter(self._config) def __len__(self): return len(self._config) def __str__(self): return ', '.join(k + '=' + repr(v) for k, v in self._config.items() if not k.startswith('_')) def __repr__(self): return ', '.join(k + '=' + repr(v) for k, v in self._config.items()) def _dict(self): return self._config
[docs]class classproperty(object): """Class property decorator.""" __slots__ = '_f' def __init__(self, f): self._f = f def __get__(self, obj, owner): return self._f(owner)
[docs]def colored(fmt, fg=None, bg=None, style=None): """ Return colored string. List of colours (for fg and bg): - k: black - r: red - g: green - y: yellow - b: blue - m: magenta - c: cyan - w: white List of styles: - b: bold - i: italic - u: underline - s: strike through - x: blinking - r: reverse - y: fast blinking - f: faint - h: hide Args: fmt (str): string to be colored fg (str): foreground color bg (str): background color style (str): text style """ colcode = { 'k': 0, # black 'r': 1, # red 'g': 2, # green 'y': 3, # yellow 'b': 4, # blue 'm': 5, # magenta 'c': 6, # cyan 'w': 7 # white } fmtcode = { 'b': 1, # bold 'f': 2, # faint 'i': 3, # italic 'u': 4, # underline 'x': 5, # blinking 'y': 6, # fast blinking 'r': 7, # reverse 'h': 8, # hide 's': 9, # strike through } # properties props = [] if isinstance(style, str): props = [fmtcode[s] for s in style] if isinstance(fg, str): props.append(30 + colcode[fg]) if isinstance(bg, str): props.append(40 + colcode[bg]) # display props = ';'.join([str(x) for x in props]) if props: return '\x1b[%sm%s\x1b[0m' % (props, fmt) else: return fmt
[docs]class ColoredFormatter(logging.Formatter): """Formatter for colored log.""" _LOG_COLORS = { 'WARNING': 'y', 'INFO': 'g', 'DEBUG': 'b', 'CRITICAL': 'y', 'ERROR': 'r' }
[docs] def format(self, record): levelname = record.levelname if levelname in self._LOG_COLORS: record.levelname = colored( record.levelname[0], self._LOG_COLORS[record.levelname], style='b' ) return logging.Formatter.format(self, record)
[docs]def stateful(*states): """Decorator for building stateful classes.""" _cls = None if len(states) == 1 and inspect.isclass(states[0]): _cls = states[0] states = _cls.__slots__ def wrapper(cls): def state_dict(self): return {s: getattr(self, s) for s in states} def load_state_dict(self, state): for s in states: setattr(self, s, state[s]) cls.state_dict = state_dict cls.load_state_dict = load_state_dict return cls if _cls is not None: return wrapper(_cls) else: return wrapper
_sigint_handler = signal.getsignal(signal.SIGINT)
[docs]def nonbreak(f=None): """Make sure a loop is not interrupted in between an iteration.""" if f is not None: it = iter(f) else: it = itertools.count() signal_received = () def handler(sig, frame): nonlocal signal_received signal_received = (sig, frame) logging.warning('SIGINT received. Delaying KeyboardInterrupt.') while True: try: signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handler) yield next(it) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, _sigint_handler) if signal_received: _sigint_handler(signal_received) except StopIteration: break
[docs]@stateful('batch_size', 'index', 'pos') class Iterator: """Iterator on data and labels, with states for save and restore.""" def __init__(self, data, *label, prefetch=False, length=None, batch_size=None, shuffle=True, full_shuffle=False): = data self.label = label self.prefetch = prefetch self.batch_size = batch_size self.queue = queue.Queue(maxsize=8) self.length = length if length is not None else len(data) assert all(self.length == len(lab) for lab in label), \ 'data and label must have same lengths' self.index = list(range(len(self))) self.full_index = None if shuffle: random.shuffle(self.index) if full_shuffle: self.full_index = list(range(self.length)) random.shuffle(self.full_index) self.thread = None self.pos = 0 def __len__(self): if self.batch_size is None: return self.length return math.ceil(self.length / self.batch_size) def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): if self.thread is None and self.prefetch: self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self.produce, daemon=True) self.thread.start() if self.pos >= len(self.index): raise StopIteration if not self.prefetch: self.produce(False) item = self.queue.get() if isinstance(item, Exception): raise item else: self.pos += 1 return item def produce(self, daemon=True): if self.batch_size is None: # no batch, direct indexing try: for i in range(self.pos, self.length): data =[i] label = [label[i] for label in self.label] if label: self.queue.put([data] + label) else: self.queue.put(data) if not daemon: return except Exception as e: if daemon: self.queue.put(e) return else: raise if self.full_index: for i in range(self.pos, len(self)): try: bs = self.batch_size inds = self.full_index[i * bs:(i + 1) * bs] data_batch = [[i] for i in inds] label_batch = [[label[i] for i in inds] for label in self.label] if label_batch: self.queue.put([data_batch] + label_batch) else: self.queue.put(data_batch) if not daemon: return except Exception as e: if daemon: self.queue.put(e) return else: raise else: for i in range(self.pos, len(self)): try: index = self.index[i] bs = self.batch_size if callable( data_batch = * bs, (index + 1) * bs) else: data_batch =[index * bs:(index + 1) * bs] label_batch = [label(index * bs, (index + 1) * bs) if callable(label) else label[index * bs:(index + 1) * bs] for label in self.label] if label_batch: self.queue.put([data_batch] + label_batch) else: self.queue.put(data_batch) if not daemon: return except Exception as e: if daemon: self.queue.put(e) return else: raise